Monday, February 9, 2009

Who Dares Wins!!!

On the 26th of January 2009 on Craig Harper's blog,it started out from this...P.S. Just found out that I will be hosting a four hour talk-back show on SEN (Sports Entertainment Network) here in Melbourne tonight (Monday) from 7-11 local time. The phone number is (03) 9429 1116 if you're up for an on-air chat. You can listen to the show by clicking here and following the links.

Went on to part of my comment...I got all excited cos I have no idea what day it is and thought you were going to be on SEN last night (Sunday). I read..tonight and forgot I was reading it Sunday night lol. I will tune in, though whether I call...we shall see...depends if I have anything worthwhile to share with you I guess!!

To which Craig replied...

Craig Harper said...

Hi Chelle, yeah go on; give me a call on the radio. Dare ya.

( )

7:41 AM


Jules said...

I'll "double dare" you, Chelle!

[Chelle still says nope]

"Physical challenge"?

What could we make her do at RYL, Craig? ;) We have 4 months to come up with something whacky.

Anyone remember that kids game show in the 80's - 'Double Dare' I think it was called. There was an abundance of slime in that tv studio if I recall correctly!

I might ring, Craig? If you talk about Lance Armstrong, I'll call in. Is it all live-to-air though? Can you erase our conversation if I'm crap?

9:39 AM

...and it was on!!!!

Michelle said...

Dare and double you are both funny!!!

I am going out for my walk at 7pm so will call after 8:30 is that ok Craig and Jules???? So what will I get if I call in???? Given that if I don't Jules wants to give me a challenge! ;)

OOh and to answer your question Jules...Cherry Ripe! (but these days they are strictly limited...they don't feature too highly on the WW friendly food list!)


Chelle xxx

11:20 AM

Jules said...

Chelle, I'll give you a King size Cherry Ripe next week when I'm down in Melb for my brief 5 day visit (before making the big move in early-mid March'ish). Ha ha - sorry, I couldn't resist saying that. But if you want it, come get it. "You'll have deserved it.

On a more serious note, I'll shout you a half hour PT session at the Harperdome. Seriously, I will (you need to build some lean muscle mass to continue burning that adipose tissue - I mean that in a nice way, of course). Conditions: it can only be 'redeemed' between 2-5 Feb. No procrastinating for you then Miss Muffet! Meet me at Harper's on Mon 2nd ONLY if you call in tonight though ;) Luv ya lots but sometimes I gotta be cruel to be kind. It could hurt.

So on the 2nd of Feb I fronted up to Craig Harper's Personal Training Centre on the Nepean Hwy, Brighton to meet Jules and our trainer Rona, for a half hour training session! What a blast!!!! With the GYST Gals, I have been walking 6km almost every night (even in all the heat!) as well as pushups, crunches and squats, so it was decided to give me a program that used those things and added a little as well. Rona was delightful and very caring and gave me a perfect program. She took photos so I can remember the exercises easily. Below are some of the pics.

Then half an hour on the treadmill...

Ok then off to have a lovely lunch...

Thanks Jules for a lovely day and it was great to finally meet you after chatting on msn for so long. I had a ball and have been continuing my exercise program from Rona since.

Stay tuned for the next post where we finally get to meet Andy from Scotland!!

Chelle xxxx


Jules said...

Hi Chelle

That had me giggling all over again! [Though it did make me realise how much space those comments between us took up on craig-dot-com. Oops]

You're very welcome. Glad you enjoyed the day. I had a great time too. Love all the pics and it's fabulous you've been doing Rona's exercises. Keep it up.

( )

Michelle said...

aah Jules it was fun and entertaining on lol some just don't get it!

I am loving the exercises and the feeling of being fitter.

We must do it again sometime. I said I would go back and see Rona when I felt I needed to up the ante and get a tougher workout!

Chelle ( )