I finally finished my Certificate IV in Health Administration...very happy with that!
My daughter Erin turned 15 on the 3rd of April -
My car decided to play up, I made it out of my parking spot at work and it conked out. A call to the RACV, a 70 minute wait and it's the fuel pump...a tow was ordered and home we went. This also required a tow in the morning to get the car to the mechanic. He repaired it...that was Wednesday. I drove it around Thursday, Friday and Saturday then it conked out again...another tow home then off to the mechanics on Monday....it stayed overnight and this time it was to replace the fuel pump from the week before which was faulty!!!
We also had a visit from a baby... Erin is doing Child Development at school and part of the course is to bring home a baby to look after for 24 hours. She got the boy doll and he kept her on her toes!!!! He kept her awake from 2am with his crying lol
She has decided she doesn't want a baby yet!!! (thank goodness for that!!!!)
Of course he needed a bed to sleep in.....
and how he looked under the blanket....
Poor little thing, this was the largest thing we could find to put him in. Apparently she got 100% for looking after him...she was so good and careful with him. Awesome work Erin!!!
Anyway, that's it for now, I am working on getting back to the 100 photos posts...I will try to get back on here very soon!
Stay safe and catch you round the blogosphere
Chelle x