Thanks Cassie, now I have to use my brain...the only thing that isn't hurting from my gym workout yesterday lol. I have been given 8 questions to answer and then I have to tag 8 people.
So here we go:
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Well that's a tough one, when I was younger I wanted to be an air hostess, a nurse, a dental nurse or a police officer...I even sat the entrance exam for that...I passed too. I didn't pursue it as I had a job with Telstra. Anyway I am now a receptionist with a neuro physiotherapist so I am doing the kind of work I really wanted to do :)
2. What is your idea of a perfect day?
Being together with my wonderful family, we are a large group of 18 and it's noisy and fun and just the most amazing time.
3. Have you had your lightbulb moment yet, and if so what was it?
Yes, it was in September 2007 when I was told I had to lose weight or get diabetes. I realised I had to make changes in my dietry habits and my life or face some not so pleasant changes.
4. What do you enjoy most about blogging?
I like being able to put my thoughts out there and see what ither people have to say about it. I love reading about other people's lives and what they get up to.
5. If money was no object, how would your life be differnet?
That's a tough one...I guess I would be a whole lot less worried about a lot of things. I would probably take a few more holidays and maybe a few overseas ones and drive a newer car, other than that I have no idea.
6.Do you believe in regrets?
Not a lot of point really you can't change them, you can learn fom them though.
7.What is your favourite thing about yourself?
Hmmm, my sense of humour, my loyalty, my natural red hair (at 48years old lol), my green eyes.
8. What is your idea of happily ever after?
That would be to have lived my life to my potential. I also think to have 2 happy, healthy children who have made me proud would be awesome and one day I would also love to have love again, though I don't feel that would be the only way I can live happily ever after.
now to choose 8 people:
1.Louise lululollylegs
2.Jane Stormys Castle
3.Tina Tina Gray {dot}me
4.Dee dazey recipes
5.Megan We are slimming
6. Elaine Elaines journey
7.Tanya One day, one action
8.Sacha Arty chick & Co
Now the magic questions:
1. Is there a movie that has had an enormous affect on you, what is it and how did it change you?
2. If you could be a character in any novel you have ever read, who would it be and why?
3. What is your favourite food?
4. What is your ideal holiday?
5. If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
6. What would be your favourite rainyday activity?
7. What is your favourite empowering song?
8. Did you watch the Commonwealth Games, if so what was your favourite event?
This is hard, thanks to those who participate :)
2010 A NEW YEAR A FRESH START............
15 years ago